News – 2013
Dec. 19, 2013

Changing the Game: TI Technology Creates a New Way To Identify Football Concussions
A recurring headline in the United States revolves around sports related concussions, particularly in football. From the pee-wee level all the way to the professional ranks, preventing and treating concussions has become a top priority.
Dec. 17, 2013

$1 Million Grant to Help Professor Improve Prosthetics for Soldiers
Dr. Walter Voit, assistant professor of materials science and engineering and mechanical engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas, has been awarded $1 million to create medical devices that will lead to greater control of prosthetics in wounded soldiers.
Dec. 16, 2013
The Tiny Brain Trainer That Helps Get You Moving after a Stroke
Around 150,000 Britons a year suffer a stroke. Mikey Cousland, 42, a taxi driver from West Lothian, Scotland, had one last year and underwent a new procedure to help him recover movement in his arm, as he tells Carol Davis.
Nov. 22, 2013

Jonsson School Professor Earns $2.3 Million Grant
Dr. Robert Gregg, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and bioengineering who joined the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science this fall, is a recipient of a $2.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for research that will combine robot control theory and physical rehabilitation to revolutionize and improve prosthetic limbs and orthotic devices.
Nov. 21, 2013

Clinical Trial Brings Positive Results for Tinnitus Sufferers
UT Dallas researchers have demonstrated that treating tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, using vagus nerve stimulation-tone therapy is safe and brought significant improvement to some of the participants in a small clinical trial.
Nov. 17, 2013

Dr. Robert Rennaker, director of UTD’s Texas Biomedical Device Center is featured on television throughout the United States. In this interview Dr. Rennaker is asked about a new device that will help with concussions.
Nov. 11, 2013
With Training, Autism Rat Models Overcome Hearing Problems
Rat models of autism have a weak and sluggish brain response to speech sounds, but behavioral training can improve their performance.
Oct. 31, 2013
Dr. Robert Rennaker Featured on Fox News WSYR in New York
Dr. Robert Rennaker, director of UTD’s Texas Biomedical Device Center is featured on television throughout the United States. In this interview in central New York, Dr. Rennaker is asked about a new device that will help with concussions.
Oct. 29, 2013

New Device Could Guard Against Football-Related Concussions
Concussions are a huge concern for football players, especially younger players. A new device, created at The University of Texas at Dallas, could change the game when it comes to protecting them on the field.
October 2013
The Chris Salcedo Show
The Texas Biomedical Device Center is a collaborative effort engaging researchers from multiple disciplines working toward a common goal: creating new biomedical technology and therapies.
April 28, 2013

Innovations in Neuro Technology… From Hearing to Strokes
Cutting edge research is helping develop devices and technology that translate to clinical solutions for those who suffer from neurological conditions, from Tinnitus, to strokes.