News – 2015
Nov. 17, 2015

Spinal Cord Repair Group Honors Scientist’s Work with VNS Therapy
A group of leading clinicians and experts dedicated to translational research in spinal cord injuries has recognized the work of a research fellow in the Texas Biomedical Device Center at UT Dallas.
Oct. 5, 2015

TxBDC Researchers Funded for Bioelectronic Medicines
DARPA has selected seven teams of researchers to begin work on the Agency’s Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) program, which has as its goal the development of a closed-loop system that treats diseases by modulating the activity of peripheral nerves.
June 3, 2015
CIRTEC Medical Systems to support new UT Dallas-led Initiative to deliver biomedical technologies from laboratory bench to bedside more efficiently
Project designed to teach biomedical researchers at UT System institutions how to start new companies.
May 7, 2015
UT Southwestern Testing Vivistim System Device in Stroke Patients
UT Southwestern Medical Center will be one of three national sites to pioneer U.S. testing for an implant device that stimulates the vagus nerve in stroke patients to see whether it can help restore lost arm function.
April 2, 2015
New University Initiative Brings Together Medicine, Entrepreneurship
A new UT Dallas-led initiative is aimed at identifying potentially marketable biomedical technologies developed at University of Texas System institutions and moving them more efficiently from the laboratory bench to the bedside.
March 25, 2015

Bioengineering Professor Recognized for Stroke Recovery Research
UT Dallas’ Dr. Seth Hays was honored by the American Heart Association with the Robert G. Siekert New Investigator in Stroke Award recently at the 2015 International Stroke Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2015
Robert G. Siekert New Investigator Award in Stroke (pdf)
Dr. Seth Hays a TxBDC Post-Doctoral Fellow and now UT Dallas Bioengineering Faculty member wins the 2015 Robert G. Siekert New Investigator Award for his work on stroke.
January 2015
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Delivered During Motor Rehabilitation Improves Recovery in a Rat Model of Stroke
Selected by the editor of Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair as a featured article for 2014.
Jan. 5, 2015

Looking for hope for brain injuries, Alzheimer’s and more
Dr. Michael Kilgard and his team at The University of Texas at Dallas are working on a procedure to help brain-injury patients.